Photographs courtesy Ai Narapol & Minyung Im

Embodied ecology

The studio philosophy centres around ‘embodied ecologies’ as defined by the Society of Anthropologists, which is the celebration of the fluidity between bodies and worlds and the foregrounding of relations over boundaries.

As an artistic conceptual framework, embodied ecology extends into the public realm through participatory artworks that invite an attentiveness to different dimensions to nature interconnectedness.

Browse recent projects via the main menu above, and read more on embodied ecology here.

Outwitting Cancer exhibition, film installation designed by SDNA and Studio Prelude, curated by Yasmin Khan at The Francis Crick Institute. Photograph courtesy Fiona Hansen.

Public engagement

Prior to founding the studio, Bryony Ella produced numerous social history and science exhibitions at UK institutions ranging from The Women’s Library to The Francis Crick Institute.

This background in public engagement with research developed a passion for spatial storytelling, which continues throughout the studio’s approach to public realm artworks today. Collaborative, co-created, participatory and immersive experiences offer audiences unique encounters with contemporary research. The lived, embodied experience is valued alongside the academic, and projects are designed to respectfully hold space for multiple perspectives, inviting audiences to explore different dimensions to each subject.